This is written for many reasons:
1- Clearly it's been more than two months since my last update. Where the F have I been? Oh you and there but sadly not in MinneROCKolis.
2- I am deferring my accounting studies for a later hour in favor of posting. Obviously I have my priorities straight: updating my life, getting a date, that order. At least I used an accounting term? Yeah, so is "simple capital structure." Try using that in everyday conversation.
3- I am the queen of inappropriateness...If that is even a fing word. Fing. Not "f'ing," "friggin," or even the more vulgar "fucking." Fing. I never thought I'd catch on to it being the sultan of swearing or the duchess of dirty mouths but "fing" has its charm. Thanks, fiance. :)
4- I'm sick of opening my blog to see a COFFIN and I bet you are too. The coffin was fun but it's losing its novelty factor.
Quick update: I've moved, It's finals week, and I still need to have a housewarming party.
So back to inappropriateness. Here are a few instances where I either acted or forced others to act, inappropriately in chronological order.
Thursday, May 18: After some Tom Foolery before picking up the two gophers (Asian and Irish, respectively) arrived we celebrated our reunion by having a brew and as Robert so aptly put, "soberly ate drunk" though we would have done so in any circumstance. We decided to burn off the massive amount of calories by giving it to the Mons with the curiously large hands. Observe:

He' s so lifelike! We Asians know how to enjoy ourselves. Did I mention we only had
one brew and not ten? No? Okay....well next example (there are MANY.)
Friday, May 19: Oh dear. This may make you think you're reading about a 37-hour day. Maybe because someone was asleep for 25 of them. I'll try to keep this as entertainingly concise as possible. It all started bright and early at 10 am when we waited to buy champagne. Why, you ask? Becuase they wouldn't sell the champagne to use at 9am, silly! While loading the furniture from the apartment to the HORSE trailer (just kidding- it was adorned with Harley-Davidson accessories,) we stumbled (figuratively) across an M&M costume and a large, indescribable wig. Being a pushover, I donned both.

My companions abandoned me to handle the 84598 dirty looks and the "why are you wearing that"s and "Can I have some M&Ms?" by myself. Not only did I shame my friends, but I shamed the academic institution I attend by misrepresenting myself as DePaul's official M&Ms lady to young lads and lassies touring around the school.
After working up a good sweat (either that, or we just didn't shower immediately,) we took turns in the shower. Correction: we took turns showering while drinking Bacardi with a splash of Pepsi. While it was my turn I either spontaneously thought of a question or I sensed food had arrived I peeked my head out the door to yell for
Emma. To my surprise it was her dad. Good God I almost gave him a show. Remember the drinking in the shower? That may or may not have led to the constant dropping freely under the influence of gravity. Either that or I tripped poor
Robert. The literal stumbling begins. Nothing figurative here:

This was the first time we uh, tripped on the cracks. Yeah...that's it. It was the sidewalk.

Unfortunately there was a second time tripping on the crack. Notice how we were nowhere near any sidewalks at either time. Simply shameful and inappropriate public behavior. At least you're only young once?
Also Emma and I shared a few sentimental moments. Since this is a post about inappropriateness there has to be catch: Okay, so we swayed, linked arms, and held hands for only a short time during Jason Mraz's rockin' performance. How fing couplish.
Saturday, May 20: By the way....we like 'em

If this doesn't solidify our one-way (I'm hoping for a round-trip,) ticket to hell I don't know what does. By the way we definitely had a good, excessively hearty laugh over this:

It's really not that funny. I'm sure the Michelangelos who created that did not paint those people for the sake of a giggle one would make upon hearing the word "wee-wee."
After a dinner in which both Emma and I somehow behaved like civilized adults, the effort went to waste as I managed to practice my "ER" audition on _______________!!

"Code blue! We have a doctor getting down! Paging Dr. ________!"
"So...can I call you Dr. _______?"
But before then I
almost slapped the bum of 6'6" Ron. Thankfully I displayed better judgment for he turned out to be Dr. ________'s friend for whom he was waiting.

Sadly my two companions left me the next day. I was left to act inappropriately on my own. Being the total jackass I am, I sadly do not disappoint.
Monday, May 29: While at a friend's house catching up with some amigos I found myself subconsciously eating ketchup and three helpings of barbecue sauce by themselves and making old man laughs. As a result I scared at least two of my friends away. Yikes!
Friday, June 1: Simply put, I said the words, "I've never been fon-did before" and "I'm going to fondue you" at a fondue restaurant. Creating a scene to put those words into context is not necessary. These words should never be put together in this order at any time. That takes the cake...or the chocolate fondue. Someone please put duct tape over my mouth...or tape my fingers together so I won't be able to type.
Also, you can add inappropriate times Emma and I whispered and giggled to each other while being designated to our corners.
Well, since I have passed the time and gave an update to my life, I'm going back to studying. I'm inappropriate, awkward, and not nice. Simply put, I'm bad folk. Thank you.
There, now you won't see the extreme coffin when you go to this page. That is, unless it's your intention.